Ready to sign up?

When you are ready to sign up, just click the link below to be added to our pre-enrollment list. I will not be able to start care through this practice until we open on January 1, 2025. I will reach out to you once you sign up to discuss how we will transition your care. You will not be charged until I assume your medical care through this practice, and no earlier than January 1. For patients that had previously established with me elsewhere, care through this practice can begin on January 1 if pre-enrolled. For brand new patients that I will be meeting for the first time, we will typically schedule a meet-and-greet both to explain the model and get established before charging the first month’s fee and beginning care. If you decide that the model is not for you after our initial conversation of how it works, no fee will be charged.

REMINDERS: Please see other sections of this website for the services that are included in membership. We do not bill insurance. We do not routinely prescribe opiates (ie. Norco, Percocet), Benzodiazepines (ie. Xanax, Ativan), or Stimulants (ie. Adderall, Ritalin) to adults for chronic conditions.